Orders take an estimated 2-4 business days to be delivered after departure from our warehouse. Departure from warehouse may take up to 5 business days.
The cutoff shipping time is 12 PM EST.
Tracking is provided on all orders. QB54 is not liable for lost orders if the tracking number shows that the order was delivered.
Customers must enter a complete address at checkout. QB54 is not liable for inaccurate or incomplete shipping addresses entered by customers.
QB54 is not liable for shipping delays made by the shipping carrier
Customers can select an expedited shipping option at checkout
Holidays, sales campaigns and inclement weather can impact shipping and delivery times.
Issues with orders must be reported within 48 hours of delivery.
We reserve the right to cancel any order.
For Non-U.S. Customers: Local taxes and duties in your country are the responsibility of the customer and must be paid upon delivery.