Beach Football Game

Beach Football Games

Going to the beach with the whole family is a popular and enjoyable pastime! Resting by lakes, rivers, and oceans allows you not only to reset and gain strengths, but also to have a great time. QB54 is the perfect option here. It is a cool game for a beach vacation. After swimming and sunbathing, you will definitely want some active entertainment. A beach football is the best choice for an active beach experience!

Such entertainment is a great opportunity to gather a team, work on team spirit in order to win the competition. Put drinks, snacks and beach accessories (beach chairs and umbrellas) into the car trunk, and don’t forget about QB54 game set. It is compact and won’t take up much space. This is the best beach football game that can be easily folded into a special bag.

What do you need to play QB54?

Beach football game set consists of few elements. Those people, who likes multifunctional things, will definitely like QB54. It’s all about cool chairs. At first glance, these are ordinary camping chairs that you can take to the beach to make yourself more comfortable. They can easily support up to 275 pounds. But you can equip these chairs with the net and start the game.

Beach football game set consists of few elements. Those people, who likes multifunctional things, will definitely like QB54. It’s all about cool chairs. At first glance, these are ordinary camping chairs that you can take to the beach to make yourself more comfortable. They can easily support up to 275 pounds. But you can equip these chairs with the net and start the game.

QB54 beach football game is a combination of two popular games in America – football and basketball. It takes the best from each – from football, a classic 9-inch ball, and from basketball, a net. Except the ball and two camping chairs, the game set includes the bag for storage and transportation. If you want to make your game more interesting, you can buy additional accessories:

• A scoring kit to keep track of points.
• Two yellow referee flags.
• A protective face mask to prevent injuries.
• Various fan flags to add excitement for spectators.
• Set of field goal posts for two chairs.
• Trucker hats. This is a must have for any QB54 fan. Hat comes in the original navy/gold QB54 combination.

Beach football game for family and friends is a great opportunity to have an active rest. The rules are simple, so everyone can enjoy the game.

Thrilling Beach Football Game

How to play QB54?

The essence of this beach football game is to throw ball into the basket. The first team to reach 54 points wins the competition. Players/teams take turns throwing the ball, and get points for certain actions.

To start QB54 game, you need to place two camping chairs opposite each other, with the distance of 40 feet or less between them. You can change the distance depending on the players’ skills, abilities and experience. The game can be played by 2 or 4 people. When you play one on one, players are playing from opposite sides. When you play two on two, the teammates are on opposite sides.

However, it’s not as simple as it seems. If one team reaches 54 points, it doesn’t automatically mean they win the game. At this point, Hail Mary rule comes into play. It means that the losing team has one chance at redemption. Subtract the winning score by the losing score to determine the number of steps. For example, 54-40=14. It means, that the player of losing team takes 14 steps from their goal posts, turns around to face the opponent’s goal and throws the ball. If the player hits any part of the chair or goal post on a fly from the Hail Mary pass, the game is tied up. But if the player throws the touchdown, their team wins the game.

The scoring system of QB54 is quite simple. Each team or player gets point for certain actions:

• if the ball hits a chair on a fly, the team gets 3 points;
• a touchdown earns 6 points;
• kick earns 1 extra point;
• kicking through goal posts earns 1 extra point;
• if the ball bounces on the ground from the throw and lands in the basket, the team gets 2 points;
• defending team can earn 3 points if they catch a ball rebounded from the chair before it hits the ground. Defending team must allow the ball to hit the chair first.


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This beach football game also has special rules, when members of the same team stand side by side instead of facing each other. In this case, there are opportunities to earn additional points. The first method is to intercept a thrown ball that hits any part of the chair before it hits the ground. Take a knee immediately after interception for 3 points. After interception is made, run to opposite goal until touched with two hands by opponent. Attempt your touchdown throw. If the ball is successfully thrown into the basket, the team earns 6 points and gets another throw.

Catch a missed ball with one hand for one extra point. Run towards your opponent’s goal until contacted with 2 hands. You can attempt a touchdown throw. If you miss the touchdown, you will get no points and the ball will go to the other team. To make the game more interesting and dynamic, the teams switch sides, when the leading team reaches 12, 24, 36 or 48 points.

Once you understand the rules, you can create teams and start the battle on the beach.

Beach Football Game Set

QB54 is an entertainment suitable for any occasion!

A beach football game for friends is a great way to brighten up any trip to the lake, river or ocean. It is also a great opportunity to have fun in many other occasions. For example, you can arrange yard football in your house backyard, if there are a few friends or there is not enough space. Having placed the camping chairs opposite each other, you will be able to have a fun weekend, competing with friends in accuracy and agility.

American boys love to throw themed birthday parties. QB54 is a perfect option for a fantasy football game. Your friends can dress up in cool costumes to entertain themselves with exciting competitions.

QB54 Beach Football Game

Who can play QB54?

QB54 is not only the TOP beach football game. It can be played practically anywhere. QB54 is perfectly suitable for tailgating football match. Place the football chairs in the parking lot, and play unforgettable football match with your friends.

QB54 is the ultimate football toss game that doesn’t require special skills or abilities, making it perfect for any group of people.

Since their introduction, these beach football games became very popular among Americans. This game is played by ordinary people and professional football and basketball players. Among the fans of this entertainment are Jerrod Johnson, EX NFL and NFL QB Coach, and Brad Johnson, EX NFL Quarterback.

If you want to have fun on the beach with friends and family, take QB54 with you!


What is beach football game?

QB54 beach football game is an exciting entertainment! Due to the fact that the complete set of the game does not require much space, it is the best option for the beach. The set will easily fit in a beach bag or in the trunk of a car. In addition, when tired of the game, you can remove the net and transform football chairs into classic camping chairs.

How to play beach football game?
Who can play QB54 beach football game?
Where to order beach football game set?
How much does it cost?